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FFA Convention Honors Bob Funk, Sr.

Oklahoma FFA Convention honors their Largest Supporter of the Year.

Bob Funk Sr. was recognized in the 2021 Oklahoma FFA Convention for his continued commitment to the agricultural youth.

Bob received the award and shared the following words to a packed FFA audience....

"There is no school room like the lessons learned on the milkin’ end of a cow at 3 a.m. in morning. As the wind blows the sweet smell of freshly cut hay, the clouds begin to paint the sky with pink light as the sun prepares for its grand entry. Working the family farm at an early age, I learned that the livestock depend on you to be there every morning, the cows can’t wait on the milker, the crops will die in the field without the harvester and the good Lord made it all. As you have already guessed, I was a proud FFA Member and still have the blue jacket hanging proudly in my executive office.

This award means so very much to me. I love this organization and its mission to forge a pathway of premier leadership, personal growth and career success through the lives of America’s rural and suburban students. It's my personal joy to have FFA be one of my favorite philanthropic recipients. And it is an even greater joy to stand amidst these young and amazing leaders.

Hard work, leadership, faith and dependability are the lessons thousands of FFA students -- like you -- learn every day. When they put on the iconic blue corduroy jacket, they wear the pride, the achievement and commitment to agriculture that the FFA has embraced for nearly a century. And I trust each of you reaches beyond the boundaries of this great platform to reach personal goals and ambitious dreams. I trust you will use your FFA background as part of formal preparations to be biologists, chemists, veterinarians, engineers, doctors, ranchers, entrepreneurs and self-starters.

Thank you again for this great honor. God bless America, God bless FFA and God bless each of you and your families".

Please enjoy the video highlighting moments from this year's FFA Convention.


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