Bob Funk, Sr. and FFA

Vice President of Express Employment Professionals, Scott Davis, speaks on behalf of Bob Funk, Sr. at the 2022 Oklahoma FFA Convention (BOK Center; Tulsa, OK)
Ardently supporting FFA over many decades, I reflect on why this organization is a superb non-profit organization and youth development platform serving the future of our great country. Working the family farm at an early age, I learned that the livestock depend on you to be there every morning, the cows can’t wait on the milker, the crops will die in the field without the harvester and the good Lord made it all. Out of the field, FFA chapters focus on youth development ranging from public speaking, leadership, personal growth and career success. Serving and supporting thousands of America’s rural and suburban students, FFA’s Code of Ethics include:
FFA Code of Ethics
· Develop my potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success
· Make a positive difference in the lives of others
· Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion
· Respect the rights of others and their property
· Be courteous, honest and fair with others
As you might have guessed, I was a proud FFA Member in my youth and still have the blue jacket hanging proudly in my executive office [it doesn’t fit anymore but its symbolic meaning rings true :)]
Hard work, leadership, faith and dependability are the lessons FFA students exemplify every day. When they put on the iconic blue corduroy jacket, FFA students embrace values, principles that have stood for a century. I fully believe these impressive young people represent America’s future biologists, chemists, veterinarians, engineers, doctors, ranchers, business leaders, entrepreneurs and self-starters.
Simply put, I love this organization and all that it stands for. It's my personal joy to have FFA be one of my favorite philanthropic recipients. And it is an even greater joy to stand among energetic and amazing FFA leaders.

Scott Davis, delivering $65,000 gift on behalf of Bob Funk, Sr. and Express Employment Professionals at the 2022 Oklahoma FFA Convention (BOK Center; Tulsa, OK)

God bless America, God bless FFA and God bless each of you and your families.