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Bob Funk and Express Support Oklahoma’s CareerTech Teachers

Bob Funk, Sr. and his companion Janine Reiger host 2020 award-winning educators and administrators with Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education -- Oklahoma’s largest association of career and technology education professionals with more than 3,400 members.

OkACTE leaders pictured with Mr. Funk and Ms. Reiger include:

Skye McNiel, OkACTE Executive Director

Crystal Conner, New Teacher of the Year

Matt Shannon, Postsecondary Teacher of the Year

Sherri Gleaves, Teacher of the Year

Dr. Marcie Mack, Oklahoma Department of CareerTech State Director

Jennifer Medina, Support Staff Member of the Year

Since 2014 Express Employment Professionals has given more than $150,000 to support the efforts of CareerTech educators and support personnel. Awards are given to the CareerTech Teacher of the Year, Postsecondary Teacher of the Year, New Teacher of the Year and Support Staff Member of the Year.

“We have 43 Express offices in Oklahoma and our team appreciates the training, instruction and development work delivered by the CareerTech system. Skilled trade is booming right now and CareerTech does an exceptional job of producing high-quality employees prepared for the competitive workplace,” said Bob Funk, Founder, President and board member of Express Employment Professionals.

Employers seek welders, licensed nurses, HVAC technicians, home inspectors, plumbers and electricians. And these are trade skills Oklahomans must master if we want businesses within the state to thrive and move our citizens into wealth-building careers,” added Funk. “Sponsoring these awards is our way of communicating that the work of CareerTech educators and administrators matters profoundly. Winning recipients can use awarded funds to boost in-classroom resources, further their own education or reward their family for associated sacrifices,” Funk said.

Marcie Mack, director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education said, “CareerTech is grateful for the longtime and rewarding relationship we enjoy with Mr. Funk and the Express team. Their generosity and monetary contributions help us recognize exceptional CareerTech educators and professionals. This support reinforces the important work these individuals provide on a daily basis to train a high-quality and market-ready workforce.”

Governor Kevin Stitt said, “I love to see great Oklahoma-based companies like Express reward exemplary educators in our state. We have one of the finest CareerTech systems in the nation, which is a key component in developing the workforce needed to make Oklahoma a Top Ten state. I join my friend Bob Funk in saluting the hard-working educators and administrators being recognized this year.”

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